Capture The Flag

Date Saturday 22 October
Time 11:00 AM
Location Lanai Bar LAN Area
Host Luke Jahnke, Brendan Scarvell

Capture The Flag ScoreboardHackers playing Capture The FlagHackers hacking


Welcome to Ruxcon Capture The Flag (CTF), Australia's longest running CTF competition! A game designed to test your computer hacking skills and problem solving abilities against friends and foes from all across Australia within a fun and friendly environment.

Ruxcon CTF consists of a series of levels. Each of which can be played at your own leisure with level difficulty ranging from easy to moderate. 

We have set up a social LAN area for CTF players in the upstairs bar, or if you can always play via the wireless network. The competition will launch at 11:00AM on Saturday in the bar and finish up strictly at 3:00PM on Sunday.

You can register as team or play as a lone-wolf. The CTF registration page is available on the CTF Network onsite at Ruxcon, please check the Ruxcon handbook for more details on how to register.

This year teams will be restricted to 3 members.


Google have kindly donated the prize money for this year's CTF.

  • 1st Place - $1300
  • 2nd Place - $700
  • 3rd Place - $500

Prizes provided by:


There are no software requirements but if you have never played a CTF before then installing Kali, Burp, and Metasploit will be enough to get you started. Additionally, provides a CTF field guide which you may find useful.